This application is for New Members Only.

Once you have submitted this application you will be taken to a payment page.

New Membership fees for 2024-2025 are $68.

New Member Application

Member Information


Are you a CCLS?
Are you a Paralegal?

Your Specialty

Check all specialties that apply

Email Information

Where do you want to receive e-mail from Los Angeles LSA? (check one)
Where do you want to receive The Legal Professionals Magazine via email? (check one)

Previous membership in a legal secretaries/professionals association:

How did you hear about LALSA?


Are you interested in volunteering as a committee chairperson or co-chairperson?

Code of Ethics:


If accepted as a member, I agree to be bound by the Bylaws and Standing Rules of Legal Professionals, Incorporated, and the local association to which I hereby apply for membership, including the following code of ethics:

It shall be the duty of each member of Legal Professionals, Incorporated to observe all laws, rules and regulations now or hereafter in effect relating to confidentiality and privileged communication, acting with loyalty, integrity, competence and diplomacy, in accordance with the highest standards of professional conduct.

(Dedicated to the Memory of Joan M. Moore, PLS, CCLS, LSI President ~ 19801982)

I accept the LPI Code of Ethics